Tag: Epipremnum

  • Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegata Care Guide

    Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegata Care Guide

    Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegata The Epipremnum Pinnatum Variegata is a trailing/climbing plant with beautiful white and green variegated foliage. As a juvenile plant, the leaves are green, long, oval/arrow shaped with white variegation. When the plant starts to mature, the leaves start to get fenestrations/splits. This plant is quite easy to care for and would be…

  • Devils Ivy

    Devils Ivy

    Epipremnum Aureum a.k.a Golden Pothos Devils Ivy Quick Overview Full Size 6 to 8 feet Light Bright filtered light Temperature 60-85˚F(15-29˚C) Humidity Average to high Cost $ Care Level Easy Toxicity Toxic Devils Ivy Size When kept indoors with proper care you can expect your Devils Ivy to reach 6 to 8 feet in length.…