Indoor Plant Product Guides
Best Grow lights for Indoor Plants
Indoor plants are a great way to add some greenery to your home. However, they can be difficult to care for. One of the biggest challenges of growing plants indoors is providing them with enough light. In this article, we will go through our top picks for the best grow lights for indoor plants. Without…
Best Brands of Potting Soil for Indoor Plants
There are so many different brands and types of potting soil available that it can be quite difficult trying to choose the right one. Not all are the same as they’re formulated for different plants and growing conditions. When it comes to growing indoor plants, you want a potting soil that is loose and aerated…
Best Greenhouses for Indoor Plants
Greenhouses are a great way to grow Indoor/ house plants due to their great ability to better regulate temperature and humidity. Whether you are running out of space inside for your growing plant collection or looking for greater climate control here are our top picks. If you are after more information on keeping indoor plants…
Best fungicides for houseplants & How to use them
Fungal infections can be a plant mum (or dads) worst nightmare with fungal related diseases causing poor plant health, so we’ve found three of the best fungicides for houseplants and how to use them. If your indoor plants have shown any of the following symptoms you may have a fungal infection problem; If your house…
Automatic watering system for indoor plants
Looking to go on vacation and worried about your plants not getting enough water? or has your indoor plant collection got so out of control you can’t remember if you watered your prized Monstera this week, or was it last week? If this sounds like you don’t worry! we have got the solution to all…