Cebu Blue Pothos

Epipremnum pinnatum a.k.a Cebu Blue

Young Cebu Blue cutting

Cebu Blue Quick Overview

Full Size8-10 feet plus
LightBright indirect
Care LevelEasy


The typical size of Cebu Blue when kept indoors with the correct care is 8-10 feet but over time they can grow much larger. Fully mature leaves will develop fenestration similar to that of the Mini Monstera and Devils Ivy.

Light Requirements

While Cebu Blue will tolerate medium light conditions, your Cebu Blue will perform best when positioned in bright indirect light. Signs that your Cebu Blue is getting too much light is burnt leaves. This can be resolved by changing the position of your plant to somewhere that better suits its light requirements.


Cebu Blue prefer cooler temperature conditions and will grow best when kept in an area which maintains a temperature of 60-80˚F (15-26˚C). When keeping your plant outside of this temperate bracket for prolonged periods of time you can expect it to develop health issues or seize growing.


Cebu Blue will tolerate the basic household humidity but boosting the humidity slightly will assist in keeping your Cebu Blue happy and healthy. If your plant is housed in a spot with air that is too dry, see our tips on how to increase or decrease humidity levels.

Watering Requirements

You should water your Cebu Blue once the soil has dried out slightly, approximately when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. When watering your Cebu Blue be sure to water thoroughly, allowing the plant to drain completely.

Aside from solely relying on the watering frequency to tell when your plant is thirsty, a tell tale sign that your Cebu Blue needs water is the plant wilting or getting yellowing leaves.

Fertilizing requirements

In optimal conditions your Cebu Blue should be fertilized weekly during spring and summer with a diluted fertilizer. During winter, fertilizing can be reduced to monthly. This will assist in keeping your plant alive as well as promote healthy growth.

Soil Requirements

Cebu Blue requires a well draining soil. Any premium potting mix with perlite added will make a great potting soil to use. This will provide adequate nutrients whilst assisting in drainage.

Diseases & Pests

The most common pests that you can encounter whilst caring for your Cebu Blue are spider mites and mealybugs. Other problems you may encounter whilst caring for your Cebu Blue are browning leaves and yellowing and abnormal leaves. For a wide range of information on combating a large range of indoor plant diseases and pests see our pests and diseases page.


Cebu Blue are considered to be toxic if ingested. If handling the plant, it may cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction.